Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Rumores de la Caleta - measures 1-5

It's important to start with an understanding of the title. Rumores de la Caleta translates to Murmurs of the Inlet, so we know we're talking about water. I think the first section of the piece has everything to do with water. Many players take a macho attitude to the first section and play it too loud and too fast. Remember the title, "Murmurs of the inlet." There's a reason much of this section is designated as soft/very soft. Try to hear the waves lapping against the shore or against a boat. The figure of the arpeggiated E chord in the 2nd and 4th measures and repeated throughout the piece reminds me of gentle waves rolling into shore. Come up with your imagery and apply it to the piece.

Measures 2 and 3 are repeated at 4 and 5. Albeniz's music brings out the capabilities and sonorities of the guitar. Repeated phrases are a great way to do so - so take advantage and change the tone color of the repeated phrases.

Measures 1-5

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